Smashwords editions now available

Thanks to the expertise, and labor, of Roseanne Girton, Surfside, Moon’s Honor, and Technical Details are now available from the Smashwords site and will soon be in distribution to Apple, Blio, Kobo, Diesel, Sony, Page Foundry, Library Direct, Baker & Taylor Axis 360, Flipkart, and Oyster.

A note about these books:  They are published as ePubs only.  Also!  They, as all Pinbeam Books eChapbooks are DRM-FREE.  This means that they may be read on/with, if not All The Things, then very many of the things.  To wit, and according to Smashwords:  “Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others.”

Kindle and Nook readers may of course find these eTitles at Amazon and BN, where they are also sold DRM-FREE.

Thank you for your patience while we finished this project.

New books in the catalog

We’ve added three new eChapbooks to the catalog:  Moon’s Honor:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 20Technical Details:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 21; and Surfside: Tales of the Fantastic Maine Coast.

Moon’s Honor includes the novelette Moon’s Honor, which was previously published on Splinter Universe, and an original authors’ foreward, “On Casting your Fate to the Moon.”  |Kindle| |Nook|

Technical Details includes two stories previously published on the Baen website, “Landed Alien,” and Eleutherios.”  |Kindle| |Nook|

Surfside includes two stories set in-or-near Archers Beach, Maine: “Emancipated Child,” and “How Nathan Archer Came to be a Prince of the Land of the Flowers.”  Both stories were previously published on Splinter Universe. |Kindle| |Nook|

Advertant readers will notice that, right now, these books are available from Amazon and from BN.  Smashwords editions are in process; and links will be added to the catalog as the books are available.


New ebooks in the store

We’ve added three new eChapbooks to the Pinbeam Books Catalog.

In December, single-story eChapbook, The Day They Brought the Bears to Belfast went live in the Nook and Kindle stores (coming soon to Smashwords)

January saw the publication of Courier Run:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 18, including short story “Guaranteed Delivery,” and novelette “Kin Ties,” which were first published on Splinter Universe.   |Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

February brought the publication of Legacy Systems:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 19.  This volume includes two novelettes, “Intelligent Design,” which first appeared on the Baen website in July 2011; and “The Space at Tinsori Light,” published at Splinter Universe in November 2011.     |Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|


In support of breast cancer screening

As many of you read, the Susan G. Komen group has withdrawn financial support from Planned Parenthood. The support was for the purpose of providing breast cancer screenings for poor women, and for various educational programs.

There’s an argument about why this has happened. Planned Parenthood says that the Komen fund has knuckled under to political pressure. The Komen folks say they have a policy! not to fund any organization under Congressional investigation.

This is not about that argument.

The point here for Steve and me is that this move means that breast cancer screenings have suddenly been made unavailable to a large number of women, when early detection is key, and through no fault of their own.

So, here’s what we’re doing. For the month of February, all income received from The Cat’s Job ebook will be donated to Planned Parented, in Hexapuma’s name, specifically for the breast cancer screening program.

Here’s your links:

The Cat’s Job on Smashwords
The Cat’s Job on Nook
The Cat’s Job on Kindle

To Donate Directly to Planned Parenthood, right now, no gimmicks, go here

Pinbeam Books Yule Sale!

A number of our readers (“our” being Steve Miller and Sharon Lee, the writers behind the stories, and this website) have written to tell us that their friend, or their brother-in-law, or their mom, or the barista at their favorite coffee shop are crazy to add stuff to their brand-new eReader/tablet/phone/netbook, but they don’t want to risk a lot of money buying unknown books.

Well!  We’re all about making it easier for new readers to find us, and this is what we’ve decided to do.

From Right Now until January 2012, you, your friend, the BiL, Mom, and the barista can try out six! Pinbeam Books eChapbooks and! one novel at, as they say, Greatly Reduced Prices.

We’ve knocked two dollars off each of the following eBooks, just for you:

Chariot to the Stars by Steve Miller
Includes: “Rain Day,” “The Solution,” “The Inventoried,” “The Cat’s Job,” “Charioteer”
|Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

TimeRags II by Steve Miller
Updates and expands Steve’s first volume of poetry, TimeRags, published in 1975.
|Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

Variations Three by Sharon Lee
Includes: “Coffeecat,” “The AfterImage,” and “Passionato”
|Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

Endeavors of Will by Sharon Lee
Includes: “Stolen Laughter,” “The Winter Consort,” “The Pretender,” “The Silver Pathway,” “Stormshelter,” “The Girl, The Cat, and Deviant,” “A Matter of Ceremony,” “The Handsome Prince,” and “Cards” (poem)
|Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

Master Walk by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Contains the novelette “Master Walk”
|Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

The Naming of Kinzel by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Includes: “Kinzel the Foolish,” “Kinzel the Innocent,” and “Kinzel the Arbiter”
|Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

The Tomorrow Log by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
A space opera novel detailing the adventures of master thief Gem ser Edreth
|Kindle| |Nook| |Smashwords|

For those who want electronic editions of Lee-and-Miller, and Lee, novels, the entire oeuvre (barring Sharon’s mysteries, of which more in a moment) to date can be purchased directly in the format(s) of your choice from Baen Books.

Sharon’s mysteries set in Wimsy, Maine, are available in the electronic format of your choice from Fictionwise (and in paper, from Lulu)

And! all of the great stories, including Liaden story “Intelligent Design,” that have been published for free on Baen Books’ front page throughout 2011, are collected in this great electronic anthology, which is absolutely free.

Speaking of free stories, don’t forget to check out Splinter Universe which right now has four complete short stories and a number of “splinters” available to be read. Donations are gratefully accepted.

So, that’s what we’ve got! We hope you enjoy reading our stories as much as we enjoy writing them.

Welcome to Pinbeam Books

Pinbeam Books is the latest electronic publishing project by ebook pioneers and authors Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Welcome, and enjoy!

Lee and Miller have long supported the electronic reading revolution. starting with their own BPLAN Virtuals efforts in the late 1980s, into the early century with Embiid, then to online serializations with Fledgling and Saltation in 2007 and 2008, and now to the wider electronic universe with their own Pinbeam Books as well as the Baen Books electronic line,

Together, Lee and Miller have co-written eighteen science fiction and fantasy novels, most set in the Liaden Universe® — a space opera geography of their own devising.

In addition, Miller and Lee have written dozens of short stories together since 1995 and published them in hard copy as chapbooks — saddle-stitched pamphlets of up to 70 pages, typically including two mid-length, or one novella length story.

This is where Pinbeam Books comes in. For years, readers have been asking the authors to make those chapbook titles available in electronic format. They are now doing just that.

Lee and Miller’s novels are available as ebooks directly from Baen Webscriptions, and Baen is also publishing paper editions. During 2010 and 2011 Baen Books has or will be issuing the entire Liaden Universe® backlist in a series of omnibus editions. The next new Liaden novel is Ghost Ship, to be published in August 2011. In addition, Lee and Miller have three more books under contract to Baen — Dragon Ship, Trade Secret, and a novel to be named later.

Again, welcome, and enjoy! Don’t forget to share this site with your ebook-loving friends!

* * *

July 15, 2011

“Intelligent Design” a Liaden Universe® short story by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is now available to be read for free on the Baen Books front page.  The story will be on the front page until August 15, at which point a new story will be posted, and “Intelligent Design” will be retired to the Baen Free Library.

And!  On sale today is the eBook edition of Lee and Miller’s Ghost Ship.

Happy eReading!